How do I add a group?

Groups are useful as they help you to organise your products and automatically add products into groups to show off your products to your customers.

1. Go to Products.

2. Click Groups.

3. Add Group.


4. Add a group name: The name field is where you can set or amend the name of this group. This is the name that the customer will see in your store.

5. Enter a Short Description and Long Description for this group.


Short Description: This is your opportunity to provide a brief description of the group. What you write here will appear on search engines below the group title. Check out the Search Engine Listing section for a visual example of how it will be displayed.

Long Description:  field allows you to provide further details about this group. Here, you can elaborate on its purpose and rationale for including specific products in this group.

6. Set the Rules for this group. Please see article 'How do the product group rules work?' for a detailed walkthrough.

Use the preview to double check the rules are correct.


7. Your SEO information should have been automatically filled out once you finish the first three fields.

The Search Engine Listing section provides a preview of how your information will appear on search engines like Google and Bing. Once you fill out the name and short description fields, this section will automatically populate. However, you have the option to manually adjust the search engine fields if needed.

8. Set the Visibility for this group. Active means that you can apply this group to your products. Visible in Shop means that you customers will be able to see this group.

If Active is checked then this group is selectable when creating and editing functionalities such as Delivery Rules. If the group is not set to active then this group will not be functional. 

If Visible in Shop is checked then this brand will be show on your shop to your customers. If it is not checked then your customers will not be able to see it.

9. Select a feature image using the Image Library button (optional).


10. Add any Tags you think are applicable for this group.


11. Click Save.