How do the product group rules work?

Product Group Rules

You will notice at the bottom you will see ‘Include’ and ‘Exclude’. This is where we can add or exclude certain products.

The Include section is where you specify which items should be included in this rule set, while Exclude does the opposite.

For example, if we would like to create a group with all products containing the tag ‘Special Offer’,  we would add the rule Products Matching: Product Tag, and add ‘Special offer’. Note the tag must be added to products before doing this.

Exclude Rules creates the opposite effect. For example, if you added ‘Special Offer’ as an Include rule, but wanted to exclude Category One products from this, you can add an Exclude Rule to avoid adding anything from Category One.

We can add multiple rules. For example, if we wanted to connect two categories together, we can select ‘Add Rule’ to create another.

This is where we will see ‘All Rules’ and ‘Any Rules’ appear. You can think of it like this: All Rules means AND, Any Rules means OR.

If we were to say products had to be in Category One AND contain the tag ‘Special Offer’, it must match both rules to work. If it was Category One OR contain the tag ‘Special Offer’, it can be both.

Once you have added your rules, press Save at the top right hand corner of the page.