How to manage your Stock

The Stock section is where you can easily manage the stock levels for all of your products.


Managing your stock all takes place on one page, and there are 3 parts to the page: stock settings, the grid, and export & imports.

Stock Settings

To access to the Stock Settings area click on the Settings button at the top right. 


This is where you can edit things like the out of stock message and allowing customers to see products that are currently out of stock.

Allow customer to see out-of-stock products: Your customers will be able to see which items you see but which are currently not in stock. This is turned on by default.

Show stock levels on your product pages: Your customers will be able to see how many items are available for each product. This is turned off by default.

Allow customers to pre-order products in your shop that are out of stock: Customers will be able to purchase items that aren’t currently in stock, and then you will fulfil the order once you have positive stock levels again. This is turned off by default.

Allow products that are out of stock to be purchased via manual orders: You will be able to process an order for an item that doesn’t currently have stock. This would be useful if you have a physical store. This is turned off by default.

The Out of stock message and Pre-order message are the messages that the customers will receive when they either attempt to purchase an out of stock product or when they pre-order a product.

If you make any changes to any of these fields make sure you click on the Update stock settings button.

Stock Grid


Here you can manually set the stock levels of each product individually by either adding a certain amount of stock to the product, or straight setting the value. If you have a lot of products use the search bar to find the product that you wish to edit. You can click on the product name in the grid to quickly get to the product page.

Export your Stock

If you wish to export your stock levels, scroll to the very bottom of the page to find the Export x to CSV.

The system will automatically download a .csv file containing all your stock information. 

Add Stock

1. Go to Products.

2. Click on Stock.


3. Find the product you need to change the stock level for.


4. Click on the product row, enter a positive number (the number you wish to add to this product’s stock total) into the field and click Save.

Edit Stock

1. Go to Products.

2. Click on Stock.


3. Find the product you need to change the stock level for.


4. Make your changes. To increase the amount of stock, Click on the product row, enter a positive number. To decrease the amount of stock, Click on the product row, and enter a negative number.

If you don’t want to add or subtract an amount but instead want to just set how much stock you have for that item, enter an amount and click Set. You can enter a negative amount here, this is useful if you are allowing pre-orders on out-of-stock products.

5. Click that product’s Save button.

Delete Stock

1. Go to Products.


2. Click on Stock.


3. Find the product you need to change the stock level for.


4. Click on the product row and enter a negative number (the number you wish to subtract from this product’s stock total) into the field.


5. Click that product’s Save button.

Bulk Untrack/Track Stock

1. To bulk untrack or track stock in your admin system click Products.

2. Once in you are on the Products page, click on the Stock tab:.

3. Search the stock you want to track by typing the product name into the Search products field. If required, you can filter your results by category, brand and current stock status:


4. Once you have filtered the stock you would like to track, at the bottom right of the page you will see the option to either Track or Untrack all of the products within the search.


5. You will see a confirmation message notifying you of the changes that have been made.