How do I show a product/individual product variant as "Out of Stock"?

Products with a stock level less than or equal to zero can be marked as "out of stock" on your website, completely hidden, or shown as normal, available products depending on how you run your online store.

To edit the stock level of a product, following these steps.

Visit your admin area and select Products from the main menu.

Find the product you would like to show as Out of Stock and click on the title to begin editing.

Scroll down to the pricing information, find a button labelled "Track Stock on this product" and ensure it is ticked. Only products with stock tracking enabled are affected by their stock level.

If your product is a simple product with no variants, you can edit the Stock field and save the product.
For products with variants, scroll down to "Tailor your product options" to edit the stock level for each product variant individually, or use the Bulk Edit dropdown to make quick changes across many variants in one go.

Save your product to apply your changes.

Using stock levels to determine whether a product is visible and available to buy

From the main menu, select Products then Stock.

Click Settings at the top of the page and configure whether customers can see out of stock products or not, along with other stock related options. You can also turn stock tracking on or off for all products.

Click Save at the top right to apply the changes.