How do I export a Finance Report?

You can produce reports showing details of your sales between a set time frame.

CSV files, short for Comma-Separated Values, are a common file format used to store and exchange data. They are widely supported by various software applications, including Microsoft Excel. When you download reports from the system, they will be saved as a CSV file. 

Firstly navigate to the Reports section within the Admin System.


Once in the Reports section, select the Finances button.


Here, you can view a detailed breakdown of your sales. Simply click on the dropdown menu located at the top right of the screen to choose the specific time frame for the sales data you wish to analyse.


Once the dates are selected, click the Export Sales to CSV button to begin the download. You can choose to include the products purchased in each sale or just see the individual orders.

Once finalised, an exported copy will automatically download onto your device. You can then open the downloaded CSV file in Microsoft Excel or any other compatible spreadsheet program to further analyse the sales data, generate reports, or perform any necessary data manipulation.