How do I delete a category?

Clean up your Admin System by deleting unused categories.

Before you delete anything keep in mind that this action is not reversible. Anything that is not saved will be lost.

1. Go to Products, found in the main menu within the Admin System.

2. Click on the Categories tab.


3. Select the category you wish to delete by checking the box next to it. Remember, you can choose multiple categories at once. Next, click on the edit button and choose the option to delete the category.



4. If there are products in the category you want to delete, you can choose to either move them to another category or delete them entirely. Simply select your preferred option by ticking the appropriate checkbox.


If you move your products into another category you can set them to be inactive from within this menu. This is useful if you plan to move them into another category later.

Categories that have subcategories cannot be deleted. You will need to delete the subcategories first in order to make changes.


5. Click Delete when you are happy to approve your request.