How do I add reviews?

Adding Reviews to product pages

Shopblocks has an in-built customer reviews system. It can be added to your design via BlockLab, and you can manage, approve and reject reviews in the Products > Reviews area.

Adding the Reviews block

To add the reviews block to your design, head to BlockLab, then Product Page.

In the product page design area, add the Reviews block from the Product Blocks section.


When you're happy with its placement, click Publish and the Reviews block will appear on the front-end of your site. Customers will be able to leave reviews of products via the Reviews block, and view reviews left by other customers.

Managing Reviews

You can manage product reviews in Products > Reviews.

As you can see in the example above, you can approve and reject reviews, and filter any you do not wish to be displayed on your products.

Clicking on the review will allow you to check the response in detail, as well as approving or rejecting it.


Clicking Save & Approve Review will save the review and display it on the product product page of the product. Rejecting means it will be deleted.

We can now see the review live on the product page.