How do I move products to categories?

You can either select multiple products to go into a category, or do this individually.


Go to Products.

Select the product you wish to edit.

On the Product Edit page, you will find the option to select the category for the product. Simply choose the category from the dropdown menu where you want the product to be placed.

Press Save in the top right hand corner once you have completed this.

Multiple products

Go to Products.

In the first column of the product list, you will see a checkbox section. Simply select the products you want to move to a different category. Once selected, a red dropdown box will appear for you to make the change.

Click on the dropdown box and select Change Category.

Type in the Category you wish to move the products to, then press Save.

After selecting and moving your products to the new category, you will see them highlighted in green, indicating the successful change. Shopblocks will automatically refresh, showing you the updated product categories. Your changes have been saved.