How do I add forms to my website?

Forms are an excellent tool for collecting important information from your website visitors, such as their name, email address, preferences, comments, and feedback.

To add your form to your website, open the page you wish to add one to in BlockLab, and add a Form block to your page.

When you add the form block, you will see a list of available forms to add. Select which one you wish to add.

You also have the option to customise the appearance of the form by choosing between Vertical, Horizontal, or Pop Up display. Each of these have an alternative layout, so be sure to choose one that best suits your design preferences! Moreover, you can enhance the form by adding a Header and Footer. Once you have made all the desired adjustments, click Save.

Finally, remember to Publish your layout to view the form on your live website.

For more information on adding your newly created form to your website's design in BlockLab, check out our BlockLab resources.