How do I add a Voucher Code Discount?

Easily generate unique customer voucher codes for your store by following our straightforward steps. With a variety of customisation options available, you can effortlessly create your own personalised codes.


1. Navigate to your Admin System and go to Discounts, found in the main menu.

2. Click on Add Discount in the top right hand corner.


3. Choose a Name for your discount. This is an internal field.

4. Enter or generate a Code.

5. Choose a Limit (if you need one).

6. Select a Discount Type.

7. Set a discount Value.

8. If you want this discount to apply to all your products, then leave the Applies to all products checkbox ticked. Otherwise, untick this and fill out the rules that apply.

9. Set discount to either Active or Inactive depending on when you want to launch your discount.

10. Choose a Date Range. The Start date will be already set at today’s date. If you don’t want this discount to ever end, select the No end date checkbox.

11. Click on Save.