How do I add a category?

1. Go to Products.


2. Go to the Categories section.

3. Click on Add Category.


4. Enter a Name.


5. Enter a Short Description and Long Description for this category.


6. Your SEO information should have been automatically filled out once you finish the first three fields.


7. Set the visibility for this category.

Active means that you can apply this category to your products. Visible in Shop means that you customers will be able to see this category and search for it.


8. Select a feature image using the Image Library button if you want to assign an image to each category.


9. Set the Hierarchy for this category.


You can set a category to come under another. For example “Wheels” would be a category underneath the “Components” category. In this scenario the “Wheels” category is the top level category.

When you see a > it means that the category on the right is a subcategory of the category on the left.


10. Add any tags you think are applicable for this category.


11. Click on Save.