Customer Specific Payment Methods

Do you have a payment method you only wish certain customers to see? Happy for a longstanding trusted customer to pay via Bank Transfer or On Account? Now you can set a payment method to only be accessible for specific customers.

Setting Default Customer Behaviour

Before we assign the payment method to be visible to a specific customer, we want to first make the payment method not display by default for a typical customer.

Go to Payment Methods and select the payment method you wish to make visible to certain customers.

In this example, I only want Klarna to be visible to a few specific customers.

On the Klarna set up summary page, you will see a setting for Default Customer Behaviour. Make sure this is set to Disabled. By default this is set to Enabled, meaning any customer can use it unless explicitly opted out:

Once set to Default Customer Behaviour is set to Disabled, click Save.

Assigning the payment method to a customer

Go to the Customers area.


Search for the customer you wish to make the payment method visible for.

Click to open the customer up, you'll see the Payment Methods area of the customer. Select the check box labelled Enable Payment Method Filtering.

The box will expand to show you available payment methods for this customer.


The payment methods selected will now be visible for this specific customer. Repeat the assigning a customer step as required.